Author name: Steven C. Lee

Steven C. Lee is a personal injury lawyer in Austin, Texas specializing in truck accidents, car accidents, bicycle accidents, drunk driving accidents, motorcycle accidents, construction site accidents and wrongful death cases. Steven C. Lee is a member of the Texas Bar, Top 100 Trial Lawyers, Texas Trial Lawyers Association and a member of the BBB in Austin, TX. You can view Steven C. Lee's LinkedIn Profile here.

What to Do After Truck Accidents in Austin

Austin Truck Accidents 101

Austin Truck Accidents are a real problem. Did you know that Austin, Texas has the largest number of truck accidents compared to other states, with one of seven truck accidents that included fatalities occurring in the state. The risks are higher in truck accidents in Austin than in smaller car accidents due to the size […]

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What to Do After Tractor Trailer or 18-Wheel Truck Accidents in Austin

Follow These Steps After an Austin Truck Accident

Austin truck accidents are more common than you might think. It is virtually impossible to drive down I-35 without seeing a flood of 18-wheeler trucks or a tractor trailers. These trucks keep our economy thriving, bringing freight around the country. However, these trucks also carry significant risks, including an increased chance of injury if you

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Guide to Truck Accidents in Austin

Guide to Truck Accidents in Austin

A large truck can easily weigh 20 times as much as the typical car, up to 80,000 pounds. Because of their mass, Austin truck accidents can lead to catastrophic injuries. Texans should be particularly aware of the risks associated with truck accidents as the state has more fatal truck accidents than any other one. This

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Determining Liability in Truck Accidents in Austin

Determining Liability in Truck Accidents in Austin

Although truck accidents in Austin only account for a small amount of all of the traffic accidents, they require special consideration because of their potential for danger. The large size and weight of trucks mean that truck accidents result in a higher risk of injuries or even fatalities. Trucks also have a higher risk of

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Steven C. Lee - Truck Accident Attorney Austin

What To Do If You’ve Been Hit By An 18-Wheeler in Austin

If you’ve been hit by an 18-wheeler on involved in any Austin truck accident, the shock can be all-consuming. However, while you regain your wits, there are a few things you can’t afford to overlook. Here is a rundown of what to do if you have been hit by an 18-wheeler in Austin: Step #1 –

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